

This is a research Doctorate and the methodological focus foments multi, trans and interdiscipline according to the research objective.

The Doctorate was approved by the Academic Commission (Colegio Académico) in June, 2012 and the first group of students commenced activities in the winter trimester (January, 14th , 2013). The teaching staff is comprised by 13 full time professors, all of whom are members of the National System of Researchers (SEP Conacyt) with the desirable PROMEP profile (SEP) and the title of doctor. They belong to the Agricultural and Animal Production Department (UAM Xochimilco) and the Department of Reproduction Biology (UAM Iztapalapa). There is also a potential staff of professors, all of whom are also members of the National System of Researchers, they all have the desirable PROMEP profile and the title of doctor. They belong to different departments of the Division of Biological Science of UAM Xochimilco.

A programme of studies was implemented which favoured research, with an interdisciplinary focus. The contents of which were widely discussed and agreed upon. The programme contains a content analysis and a basic conceptualization. It is important to point out that this is the latest programme (10th) in operation in the Biological and Health Sciences Division and will benefit from the experiences of the other postgraduate programmes. The programme incorporates two bodies, the Evaluation Commission and the Academic Commission of the Doctorate of Agricultural Sciences who supervise the acreditation mechanisms, the functioning of the Tutorial Committees, the selection criteria of approved applicants and supervision schemes of efficient students, among others.

It is important to mention that professors from different departments assigned to the Doctorate programme in Agricultural Science, after having competed and obtained the 5th place prize in the Quality of Postgraduate studies awarded by the Iberoamerican University Association of Postgraduate studies (Salamanca 2009) were motivated to create the Doctorate. Among the evaluated qualities was their competence to teach in the Iberoamerica. In relation to the establishment of covenants with universities, there are signed agreements with: the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Montreal in Saint Hyacinthe, Quebec (Canada), the University of Sodertorns (Sweden), the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrofood of Canada, the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (Argentina), the University of Caldas (Colombia), the University of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Università degli Studi di Sannio (Benevento, Italy), the Center of Scientific Research and the Teaching of Higher Education, the National Autonomus University of Mexico, and with the University Veracruzana, Acayucan (Veracruz).

To start with, the Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences will have support scholarships equivalent to the amount of Conacyt scholarships proportioned by the General Rectory of UAM in the denominated programme of newly created postgraduate studies. This programme will continue until it forms part of the National Census of Quality Postgraduate studies SEP CONACYT.